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BARI SOUTH COAST - International ideas competition 
Redevelopment of the coastal and peripheral area southeast of the city


Esposito Antonio - designer (group leader) | Bruschi Elena - designer | Federica Allegretti - designer | The Night Mauroantonio - designer | De Palma Antonio - designer |

Bianco Giampaolo - designer | The Night Giambattista - designer | The Night Maria Teresa - designer | Moramarco Pierpaolo - designer |

Dongiovanni Angelo Rocco - designer | Ventrella Stella Marina - designer | Semeraro Simona - collaborator | Melchior John the Baptist - consultant |

By Gennaro Ilenia - collaborator | Covella Dario - collaborator | Capurso Fedele - collaborator | D'onghia Elita - designer |Netti Lorenzo - designer |

Paccapelo Fabio - designer | Valente Gloria - designer |Carlucci Roberto - designer | Rodriguez Bernal Carlos - consultant



We can summarize the actions on which the proposal is based  indicatively in the following five prescriptions:
1. Eliminate the coastal road, built eighty years ago in a way that today we can define as the most senseless possible. The space between the coast and the light rail surface line will be arranged as a large coastal park, dedicated to the recreational and sporting activities of the people of Bari and, in the summer months, to bathing.

2. Opening gaps in the natural landscape between the volumes scattered northwest of the inlet of San Giorgio; demolish those of the lowest architectural and constructive value, replacing them on site with rows that enclose the remaining ones in small green areas and define the parts of the park by means of banks built with dignity and homogeneity of lines.

3. Look for traces of an urban rhythm in the current hybrid city/countryside; identify in the building of the PRG Quaroni, a step that can be adopted as a geometric matrix for the new district. A matrix in which to reconnect the fragments of the existing with the new buildings, taking care to enhance the most precious landscape elements such as the structural and visual relationship with the sea and with the inserts of urban agriculture.

4. To raise the axis of via Gentile-Japigia to the dignity of an urban place, today just a functional line of vehicular traffic; make it the backbone of the neighborhood and a geometric sign of urban order.

5. Clearly define the urban margins both on the sea front and, on the opposite side, towards the most important traffic lines (the gooseneck of the Bari-Brindisi railway and the new SS 16).

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