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Changing the perception of environments, with colors.

COLOR represents a characteristic of both light and the objects struck by the light itself. The perception of color, on the other hand, originates with the stimulation of the cone cells of the human eye which, through electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, are interpreted by the brain in the form of an electrical impulse. In color perception, therefore, there are three elements that come into play: light, the object and the observer. Is it possible to change the perception of spaces by varying the colors of the rooms? The basic notion to remember is this: - Light colors increase the brightness in the room, thus giving the impression of being in a larger space than it actually is. This is especially true for ceilings, where light colors stand out by raising the room in height. - Conversely, dark colors make the room smaller, but also more intimate. In this article I want to give you some small tips on how to create different visual effects using color on walls and ceilings. For example:

  • To "lower" a room it will be sufficient to paint the ceiling in a dark color which will optically lower it, giving the impression of a less high room:

  • To "widen" a room, especially the corridors, which are often long and narrow, it will be sufficient to paint the ceiling and the back wall with a darker colour. This will give the impression of a wider corridor:

  • To "restrict" a very long room, just color the back wall with a darker color, which will visually bring the wall closer together:

  • To "raise" a room, it will be necessary to keep the ceiling light and the three dark walls will give the idea of ​​a more elongated room:

  • To "compress" just color both the walls and the ceiling dark:

  • on the contrary, to "expand" everything must be clear:

  • To "stand out" a wall in particular, you can paint everything dark and leave the one concerned light, in contrast. In this case, the wall will give much prominence to any element you place nearby:

Knowing how to play and alternate the colors of the rooms can really transform a house, without necessarily resorting to masonry work, which is sometimes too invasive or not applicable! But be careful: the choice of furnishings, in terms of style, color and quantity in a room, is essential for an optimal final result. In conclusion, taste is something that is born with us and changes from within our unconscious as time passes. The art of making what is not appear, on the other hand, is acquired with practice and experience and can be trained once the fundamental criteria of knowledge have been acquired.


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Article author:

Semeraro Simona

Architect | Interior Designer


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